The Best Cat Memes to Brighten Up Your Day

Hello and welcome to Ministry of Cat! We are a cat cafe that is all about making our feline friends happy and helping them find their forever homes. But we also know that sometimes, you just need a good laugh. That's why we've compiled a list of the best cat memes to brighten up your day!

"I Can Haz Cheezburger?"

Let's start with a classic. The "I Can Haz Cheezburger?" meme has been around for over a decade now, but it still manages to make us laugh. The original photo featured a chubby gray cat with a hilarious expression on his face. Since then, the meme has been used with all kinds of different cat photos, but the basic format is always the same: a cat looking adorably silly, accompanied by a caption in broken English. It's simple, it's silly, and it always puts a smile on our faces.

Grumpy Cat

Next up, we have the one and only Grumpy Cat. This meme features a cat named Tardar Sauce who has a naturally grumpy-looking face. Her owners posted a photo of her on Reddit back in 2012, and the rest is history. Grumpy Cat has become one of the most iconic cat memes of all time, with her grumpy face being used to express everything from annoyance to despair. Sadly, Tardar Sauce passed away in 2019, but her legacy lives on in the form of countless memes and internet jokes.

"If It Fits, I Sits"

Cats are known for their love of small, cozy spaces. And this meme perfectly captures that. The "If It Fits, I Sits" meme features photos of cats contorting themselves into all kinds of weird positions in order to fit into tiny boxes, bowls, and other containers. It's both hilarious and adorable to see these furry creatures squishing themselves into spaces that seem far too small for them.

"Cat Breading"

Have you ever heard of "cat breading"? It's a meme that involves putting a slice of bread around a cat's head and taking a photo. The result is both cute and hilarious, as the cat looks like it's wearing a little bread hat. It's unclear exactly how this meme got started, but it quickly became a viral sensation back in 2011. While some people might argue that it's a little bit mean to put bread on a cat's head, we like to think that the cats involved are just playing along for the sake of a good laugh.

"I Should Buy A Boat"

Finally, we have the "I Should Buy A Boat" meme. This one features a photo of a cat staring out a window, accompanied by a caption that starts with "I should buy a boat." The rest of the caption is up to the person creating the meme, but it usually involves some kind of absurd or ridiculous statement. We're not exactly sure why this meme is so funny, but we can't help but chuckle every time we see it.

So there you have it, folks. Five of the best cat memes to brighten up your day. We hope these silly little images brought a smile to your face and maybe even made you laugh out loud. And if you're ever feeling down, remember that there's always a cat out there doing something ridiculous and making us all smile.

At Ministry of Cat, we know how important it is to have a little bit of laughter in our lives. That's why we love to share silly cat memes with our customers and followers. After all, our furry friends are here to make us happy, and sometimes that means doing something silly or unexpected. For more quirky articles, check out our article on why Cambodian cats have short tails!